Leader as a coach program aims at enabling the Leaders to effectively and professionally adopt a coaching style with their employees and create a coaching culture in the workplace.

The program is accredited by the International Coaching Federation – ICF and approved for 18 CCEUs.

Leader as a coach program

A coaching style of leadership requires that leaders connect with the employees at the human level, beyond the task and change the thinking that the leader is “the expert” who has to instruct everyone else about the best way to do things, and adopt a coaching mindset believing in the potential of the individuals in their team.

Leader as a coach program

A big challenge for leaders is to stop giving solutions and listen deeply to others, to their emotions and their obstacles that are sometimes limiting beliefs. In this program, leaders will learn how to adopt this deep listening attitude, how to ask powerful thought provoking questions, and a model they can follow in their coaching conversations.

With the increased awareness on mental health at work, in this program leaders will learn how to identify the major mental health problems that employees could suffer from, and their role in supporting them.