Strong Interest Inventory Assessment

The primary purpose of the Strong Interest Inventory assessment is to help individuals match their interests with occupational, educational, and leisure pursuits that are compatible with those interests. However, it is also used with success in a wide range of settings outside education.


The Strong Interest Inventory assessment is one of the world’s most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools. It has helped both academic and business organizations develop the brightest talent and has guided thousands of individuals—from high school and college students to midcareer workers seeking a change—in their search for a rich and fulfilling career.

How does it help?

The different use of the Strong Interest Inventory assessment can be summarized by the following:

  • Choosing a college major—helps students uncover their career interests and identify which areas of study are appropriate or required for a particular field
  • Career exploration—opens up the world of work to first-time career seekers and those considering career transition by identifying their interests and demonstrating how they relate to various occupations and careers
  • Career development—helps heighten individuals’ self-awareness and provide deeper understanding of individual strengths and blind spots, including work style and risk-taking orientation
  • Employee engagement—helps employees align their interests with areas of responsibility in their job that reflect those interests
  • Reintegration—helps individuals navigate the reintroduction process after a period of disconnection

How does it work?

It is an online questionnaire composed of 291 questions. It needs 30-45 min to be completed. It is followed by a coaching session by a certified practitioner and coach.

What information does the strong profile report provide


Your General Occupational Themes (GOTs). The GOTs measure six broad interest patterns that can be used to describe your work personality (elsewhere known as your RIASEC Holland Code). Most people’s interests are reflected by two or three Themes, combined to form a cluster of interests.


Charts showing how strong your interest level is for each occupational theme, compared to others of your gender – this shows whether you are extremely interested or only a little interested in a general career field.


Your “Basic Interests” which shows how interested you are in 30 general areas such as research, culinary, management, writing, science, medicine, sales, computers, etc.


A description of your “career motivators”.


Your specific interests for work, leisure, and learning.


Your selected career fields.


“Occupational Interests” which uses simple charts to show how you match up with 130 specific careers.


Your Personal Style Scales which describes different ways of approaching people, learning, and leading, as well as your interest in taking risks and participating in teams.

Contact Us to book your session and complete the questionnaire.

Strong Interest Inventory® Strong Interest Inventory is a trademark or registered trademark of CPP, Inc., in the United States and other countries.